我公司專業(yè)生產化工廢水蒸發(fā)結晶器、多效降膜蒸發(fā)器、干燥設備、離子交換柱、反應釜、中間槽、淀粉(糖)設備、酒精設備及非標設備的加工和制作。規(guī)格品種齊全,產品質量可靠,產品廣泛用于化工、有色金屬、冶煉、鋼廠、油田、脫硫、造紙、制藥、發(fā)酵、食品、釀酒、制糖、乳制品、生物工程等行業(yè)的廢水處理和綜合回收利用;將廢水中的氯化鈉、氯化氨、氯化鉀、氯化鋁、氯化鐵、硫酸錳、硫酸鎳、硫酸鋅、硫酸鈉、硫酸銨、硝酸鈉、砷酸鈉等結晶回收成產品再利用;將純粹的 治理、達標排放深化為 治理、綜合利用;蒸發(fā)出來的水回收再使用。廢水通過蒸發(fā)結晶設備為各企業(yè)單位提供了 治理、達到低排放的標準。
Anhui Gelinlan Biochemical Equipment Company Limited is situated in the Western Industrial Zone of Tianchang City which is in the urban region of Nanjing city and the economic cooperation area of Shanghai. With ninglian superhighway through the city, our company possesses a superior geographic location which provides endless opportunities for our business development.
Our company is a key member of China Ferment and Starch Industrial Association. Utilizing agricultural products as the main raw material, we engage in the research of developing and manufacturing high-tech equipment in the field of biochemistry. To facilitate the research process and boost its result, we employ many experts who have prominent contributions in the industry to be the general technical inspectors and experienced consultants of the company.
We develop a wide range of biochemical products which can be broadly applied in starching industry, paper-making, pharmacy, fermentation, food & chemical industry, alcohol-brewing, sugar-manufacturing, dairy products and environmental protection industries. To name just a few, our products include all types of concentrators, drying devices, starch-processing devices and non-standard equipment, pumps & valves used in kit, etc. Besides the guaranteed durable and reliable product quality, a large variety of specifications are provided for different purposes.
In light of our principle "walking on the road of science & technology and carrying out branding strategy to create our green future ", we cordially welcome interested parties to visit our company and share your invaluable experience with us. Your precious feedback can certainly help us serve you better. We firmly believe we can become your sincere partner!